YMCA STAY for travelers

No matter how or when you travel, you will be able to seek out the right host for you from the map, reach out and get in touch with them. 


Take a look at the host map

This map will make it possible for you to be able to visit YMCA locally on your own, one person to another. The basis for this will be the map, which you see here/find on this website. The map is filled with local hosts, who offer up what they can. No matter how or when you travel, you will be able to seek out the right host for you from the map, reach out and get in touch with them. 

The hosts will offer up different things and what is possible for them. This can be anything from a meal, an overnight stay or guided tour in the local area. It can be literally anything, but what always applies is that you will find yourself greeted with an open door into open arms.

We hope to help make it easier to meet local people and the local culture when traveling. In meeting others, we learn more about ourselves. 

find your host on the map here

“It was a huge experience to meet local residents in their homes and to have these encounters, which you usually would not get as a tourist.”

- Kristine Sejersbøl

find your next host today!

click on the bottom below to go to the host map. Here you will find a map with points around Europe. These points each have a host and their informations for you to contact them. 

Go to the map
