Børnehøjskolen opens at 16:00, where there is time to meet, hang out and talk with friends or an adult. At Kolding Børnehøjskole, the community is in focus and we therefore start the program with a community gathering with singing, storytelling and a talk about big and small, before the teaching begins. The day ends with a joint dinner and a short joint gathering with common singing and The Lord's Prayer.
16:00 Snack and talk (Børnehøjskolen opens and there is time to hang out, eat a snack and talk to a new friend)
16:30 Joint gathering with common singing, storytelling and philosophy
16:45 Teaching on the various courses
18:10 Communal dining
18:40 Joint gathering with common singing and The Lord's Prayer
18:45 Thank you for today and see you again
Three courses are run simultaneously.
Our "high school principal" makes sure that everything goes well. It is also this headmaster of the school who leads the joint gatherings to start and end.