
The YMCA and YWCA in Denmark hosts a wide range of activities aimed at different age groups. Most activities target children and youth, but we also have programs for adults and families.


What we offer

Our programs and activities include leadership training, Christian formation, Ten Sing, international exchange and solidarity work, festivals, summer camps, and club activities for children and youth.

Camps and festivals

The camps and festivals are a great opportunity for meeting new people in the organization. Every year we host 5 camps for grand parents and their grandchildren.

During the summer, various local and regional groups host children and youth camps as well as family based summer camps for more than 1.000 participants.

Besides the camps, we also offer different kinds of festivals for the age range between 13-19. 

Wonderful Days

Every other year young people in the age between 13-19 from across the country have the opportunity to attend the Danish youth festival, Wonderful Days. 

Wonderful Days is a week filled with music, concerts, and exciting activities. The festival is also a place to chill out, be with your friends as well as creating new friendships, and basically just enjoy the Danish summer while having fun. 

If you want to know more about Wonderful Days you can check out the festival’s English website

Wonderful Days

Want to attend the festival? 

If you are interested in joining the festival as an international guest then contact the festival’s coordinator Heidi Seidelin at 


Festival for Danish Boardingschools

The festival for Danish Boardingschools is a festival running three days in the easter break. More than 600 pupils from boardingschools across the country attend the festival to mingle and try out different activities together. 

The activities at the festival acts as a substitute for the lessons they would have recieved at school. 

Children and youth programs

Many of our local organizations offer activities for children and teenagers. Here, the youngsters can meet on a weekly basis under supervision from a leader. Some of these clubs offer the same kind of activity each week, like Ten Sing. Others shift between activities like games, quizzes, Christian education and competitions.

We have developed various materials to aid in telling the Biblical stories in ways relevant to young people. For example, we have Bible Bricks, where children engage themselves with the Biblical stories and characters through LEGO. 

Adults and families

Although YMCA and YWCA focuses its activities on the young, adults also have plenty of opportunities to participate in events.

We offer various seminars and other forms of gatherings where grown-ups can meet each other, discuss relevant topics, and share their christian beliefs.

Some seminars focus on strengthening leadership skills in order to develop even more engaging activities for the young back in the various local groups. Some activities are dedicated single parents, and some are focused on women only.